Elements of a wellbeing strategy

A comprehensive company wellbeing strategy typically includes the following elements:

  1. Employee engagement: This involves encouraging employee participation in the development and implementation of the wellbeing strategy. Understanding the employees wellbeing experience will give an indication of how engaged or disengaged employees.
  2. Beyond health and wellness programs: Whilst a lot of attention has been given to initiatives to promote physical health as well as mental health programs, companies need to look at including financial, social, societal and professional wellbeing initiatives.
  3. Work environment: This involves creating a physical work environment that supports employee well-being, such as ergonomic furniture, healthy food options, and access to natural light and fresh air.
  4. Work-life balance: This involves implementing policies and programs that support work-life balance, such as flexible work schedules, telecommuting options, and paid time off.
  5. Organizational culture: This involves creating a company culture that values and supports employee well-being, through initiatives such as open communication, recognition and reward programs, and professional development opportunities.
  6. Technology and tools: This involves leveraging technology to support employee well-being, such as using tools for time management, goal setting, and mental health tracking.
  7. Data and evaluation: This involves using data to monitor the effectiveness of the wellbeing strategy and make adjustments as needed. This may include conducting surveys, analysing metrics, and tracking employee engagement and participation in wellness programs.

Having a comprehensive company wellbeing strategy that incorporates these elements can help create a work environment that supports employee well-being and promotes a healthy and productive workplace.