Category: Leadership and culture

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  • Category: Leadership and culture
  • In this section of the blog we will be exploring the role of leadership in creating a wellbeing culture. We will be discussing the strategies to create a wellbeing culture. We will also explore the impact of culture on health and wellbeing of employees. We will look at the latest research from an academic and practical perspective and share practical tips that companies can use to build this wellbieng culture

Navigating Leadership Drivers: Balancing Passion, Rationality, and Values

Navigating Leadership Drivers: Balancing Passion, Rationality, and Values

MOOVING on! In my previous post, I introduced the four drivers: Hero, Engineer, Angel, and Discoverer. In this post, I will dive a bit deeper to demonstrate how drivers play a pivotal role in shaping not just individual perspectives but the essence of organisational culture in the intricate tapestry of our professional world. Much like

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What drives you…

What drives you… Reading time: 4 minutes Behavioural personification is an unbiased view of what drives us, shapes us, and, as a result, helps us realise our Potential. These core drivers provide meaning to an individual’s view of the world and, more importantly, demonstrate that they are part of something greater than themselves. It gives

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Buckle Up: Sales and Roller Coasters – More Alike Than You Think! (

Buckle Up: Sales and Roller Coasters – More Alike Than You Think! (

BUCKLE UP: SALES AND ROLLER COASTERS – MORE ALIKE THAN YOU THINK! Picture this: You’re sitting at your desk, about to make that crucial sales call. The anticipation builds, and you can practically feel your heart racing. Your palms are sweaty, and your confidence teeters on the edge. If this sounds familiar, congratulations, you’re on

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SALESPEOPLE’S WELLBEING AND PERFORMANCE. Reading time  4 Minutes By Ram Raghavan M.S, MBA, PhD, FIETE, FFISP Salespeople’s wellbeing and performance are closely related. The impact of wellbeing on salespeople directly affects their performance, motivation, and overall job satisfaction. A salesperson’s performance can be negatively affected if their wellbeing is not prioritised, and a focus on

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Wellbeing – Beyond benefits

Wellbeing – Beyond benefits

Wellbeing – Beyond benefits Reading time – 2 minutes I recently read a post on LinkedIn by Ms. Clare Kenny   saying that a lot of companies equate benefits to wellbeing and she was saying that it more than that. Wellbeing has to be viewed strategically and employee benefits and perks are just tactics. I am

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Elements of a wellbeing strategy

Elements of a wellbeing strategy

A comprehensive company wellbeing strategy typically includes the following elements: Employee engagement: This involves encouraging employee participation in the development and implementation of the wellbeing strategy. Understanding the employees wellbeing experience will give an indication of how engaged or disengaged employees. Beyond health and wellness programs: Whilst a lot of attention has been given to

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